Promat Technology Trends News
Good For The Built Environment, Good For Business
It is a great pleasure, tinged with just a little nostalgia, to announce that our Proactive Fire Trends (PFT), after 21 issues and 10 years of reliably informing a highly specialised market and information niche, is from this day onwards replaced by and known as Promat Technology Trends (PTT)!

If you want any past PTT/PFT issues (some of the more recent editions may still be available), we’d be happy to mail them to you. Alternatively, click on any of the following links below to download pdf files. For enquiry on the contents of PFT/PTT, please click here.
Full Article ― PTT ISSUE No. 6
Effective Fire Risk Management In High Rise Buildings Requires Holistic Strategies
For the first time in human history, more of the world’s population now lives in towns, cities and other urban conurbations. As the demographic landscape continues to shift towards the urban inevitable, agricultural production systems, and energy and food distribution patterns have also changed.  more...
Full Article ― PTT ISSUE No. 5
Best Defence For The Protection of Structural Steel: Cementitious Spray protection Or Fire Resistant Boards?
Guide For Structural Steel Protection Flowchart
This guide provides the specifier and contractor guidance in determining the appropriate material to be used for providing fire protection to structural steel members.  more...
Full Article ― PTT ISSUE No. 2
Effective Fire Risk Management In High Rise Buildings Requires Holistic Strategies
Concrete offers great fire resistance to structures. It is reasonably physically stable to about 550°C, and even above that temperature it usually does not fail dramatically. Concrete's thermal properties protect reinforcing steel and pre-stressing steel, and it does not fall off structural steel members like some fire protection materials can do.  more...
Full Article ― PTT ISSUE No. 1
Promat Products Go Green In Singapore Environment Council’s Green Eco Label Certification System
In Singapore, a number of Promat products recently received Green Eco Label certification from the Singapore Environment Council, attesting to the fact that these Promat products are considered environmentally friendly by the Singapore government’s Building & Construction Authority.  more...