Passive fire protection from Promat — strong on performance characteristics and technical benefits — is vitally important for tunnels and other underground structures simply because limited escape facilities, and difficulties encountered by intervention forces in gaining access, can mean substantially increased risk factors.
While tunnels solve many unique problems — especially when related to road and rail infrastructure — rising traffic densities and the growing demand for underground communication links increase the probability of accidents, injuries and damage. Any interruption to the functionality of tunnels and other underground structures usually causes major inconvenience and economic loss.

Promat also has a well-earned reputation as a Specialist For Fire Protection In Tunnels and this expertise is recognised with the installation of Promat fire protection in many tunnels and underground structures around the world.
Promat tunnel construction boards — like many other Promat products and systems — are virtually maintenance free, easy and quick to assemble, provide convenient access for inspection and straightforward replacement in the event of damage.