Marine Fire Protection
Fire on board a sea going vessel, eve in a marina fire substantially increases risk to life and property. Fire makes no distinction between luxury cruise liner or a small dinghy, and the loss of life and investment — despite being surrounded by water —can happen in the blink of an eye.

There is thus no room for complacency in the marine market as insurance companies, rating agencies and most responsible owners/operators also require diligent adherence to a stringent standard of fire safety on all vessels. Promat provides the marine industry with high performance solutions.
The Marine Division of Promat International Asia Pacific Ltd provides passive fire protection panels and systems, an extensive range of products designed to meet the most stringent requirements of 21st century fire protection legislation.

Promat’s products for marine applications represent high performance, significant space savings, fast installation and tailor-made system solutions to meet the exacting demands of shipyards and their clients.

Promat is indeed the ultimate passive fire protection and thermal insulation in marine applications.
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