Passive fire protection systems from Promat International (Asia Pacific) Ltd. are a scientific extension of a simple concept — fire danger is best dealt with a bucket of water or sand in the right hands, at the right time and place — but with one remarkable difference…Promat products work against the spread of fire twenty four hours a day, year in and year out!
The world of Promat International Asia Pacific is clearly one in which the application of sophisticated modern fire sciences and technologies is dedicated to optimising protection of human life and property.
Everyone with an interest in fire safety, security and the built environment — from architects, engineers and quantity surveyors to specifiers, contractors, builders, the general public and even students — will find this website a useful source of up-to-date information.
Everything required to make informed decisions about modern fire safety solutions within the parameters of modern design and up-to-date construction techniques in buildings, marine applications, tunnels and high performance insulation can be found here.

The roof of many structures is often overlooked when designing for fire protection from an external source. This was often the case in Australia's areas of heightened bushfire risk, until recently.

On designer's drawing boards and on site, PROMATECT® 50 saves weight and space while delivering fire resistant solutions tried, tested and proven to widely recognised international standards. Robust toughness and exceptional acoustic properties, make PROMATECT® 50 ideal for hotels and other modern high rise structures.