Promat Logo Sector Guides:
Fire Protection For Housing, Healthcare and Educational Facilities

Promat Fire Protection Strategies Integrate
All The Principles Of Sustainable Development

Promat passive fire protection integrated seamlessly into today’s built environment optimise fire and security strategies, protect human life and save expensive property! After the better part of a century in the business and long recognised as a worldwide leader, Promat professional products and systems achieve these aims on a routine and regular basis.

Today’s architectural statements in towering steel and glass provide a range of functionality completely unheard of less than a decade ago. User expectations also push the boundaries of how structures function in the built environment. However, as buildings become more complex, risk factors increase exponentially…and this is why Promat is synonymous worldwide with quality fire security products and systems.
Promat fire protection products and systems are manufactured according to and certified compliant with the principles of sustainable development. They integrate seamlessly with the fundamental concepts of compartmentation proven to optimise fire safety and security in today’s complex built environment.

Promat fire safety solutions are employed throughout commercial, office, industrial and residential properties and play increasingly noteworthy safety functions in structures for the hotel and hospitality industry, educational facilities, hospitals and other healthcare facilities, and in airports and other modern transportation hubs around the world.
The focus now is for Promat to continue building increased awareness of the fire science systems and relevant modern technologies that enhance the value of Housing, Healthcare and Educational facilities…and these are now available in a series of dedicated informational catalogues. Please consult Promat for more information.